In December of 2010 I was diagnosed with Lupus/Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder. In March of 2011, I was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, type 3. The MCTD/Lupus Dx was incorrect, they should call EDS "ACTD", (All Connective Tissue Disorder)!
Since my Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis, I have read a few wonderful blogs that have inspired me and touched my heart. One blog brought me to my knees; I cried, my heart broke, I laughed, I smiled and I identified with this Katie's story. Reading her journey made me realize that I wanted to share my own.
Details are not something I spare and I have never been a girl of few words. I hope I inspire you, educate you, motivate you and touch your heart. I hope by writing this, I learn, understand and accept my new journey...Is there a destination?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

100 things I love

100 Things I love

  1. Old Hymns
  2. Gymnastics
 3. Star-filled nights
 4. Red Barns
 5. Eyes
 6.  Genealogy/History/Archaeology/Anthropology and how it all ties together (I think this is genetic for me!)
 7. Goals
 8. Massage Therapy
 9.  That little tickle in my stomach that I get from time to time.  
10.   My Santa’s blanket
11.  Sundresses
12.  Blue skies
13. Laughing so hard my stomach hurts and I cry
14.  People that make me smile so big and often that my face aches
15. Diamond stud earrings
16. True stories where the seemingly impossible happens
17.  Unexpected letters in the mail
18.  Cartwheels just for the fun of it
19.  Handstands in random places
20.  Family and family reunions
21.  Random Acts of Kindness
22.  Old people
23.  Naps
24.  Love
25.  Hunger for knowledge that's insatiable
26.  First Kisses
27.  Kissing
28.  Callan
29.  Overdoing it at the gym
30.  Telling stories (real ones)
31.  Listening to stories
32.  People who play the guitar
33.  People that sing
34.  Soul ties/kindred spirits
35.  Playing in the leaves
36.  Making lists
37.  People Watching
38.  Fresh Lemonade
39.  Tempurpedic
40.  Seeing people smile from the inside out
41.  BlowPops
42.  Gerber daisies and Tulips
43.  Guns N Roses
44. Floating in the clouds
45.  Back Cracks
46.  Clean sheets
47.  Yellow Box Sandals
48.  One size bigger flannel pajama pants
49.  Intrigue
50.  Cooking
51.  Surprises
52.  Colorado
53.  Pumpkin flavored anything
54.  My birthday
55.  Cerebration/Reflection
56.  Sweet Dreams
57.  The smell of freshly cut grass
58.  Van Halen
59.  Good doctors
60.  Honeysuckle
61.  Maine
62.  Trampolines
63.  Sweet Tea
64.  Chin Dimples
65.  My dreams that come true
66.  Snuggling during a Thunderstorm
67.  A clean house
68.  Spontaneous dances
69.  The Whisper of snow falling
70.  Fresh fruit and veggies
71.  Sharing a look that says it all
72.  Swings
73.  Long roads with good music
74.  Finding money in my pocket
75.  Coca Cola
76.  Blatant truth
77.  Thinking of something that makes me laugh out loud
78.  Writing
79.  Alabama (the music group)
80.  The Indigo Girls
81.  Whispers
82.  My Nikon and photographing nature
83.  Acting silly with people that will act silly with me
84.  Fireflies
85.  Profound conversations
86.  Thought provoking questions
87.  Daydreaming about the past
88.  Mountain tops
89.  Rainbows
90.  Sushi with lots of ginger and wasabi
91.  Contemplating life
92.  American Flags
93. Hunting
94.  People watching
95.  Gatorade
96.  Reading
97.  Inspirational people
98.  Real Hugs
99.  The middle of nowhere
100.   Forever friends

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Photo update

If I didn't have Ehlers Danlos....Laffy Taffy would  mean nothing to me. 
That's my friend Gary ^^^^^ He was so kind to buy me some Laffy Taffy! ANDY even laughed at the Laffy Taffy! 

Katie! Katie! Katie! YOU are my HERO and I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Ha ha ha!

KEEP READING FOR THE "IF I DIDN'T HAVE Ehlers Danlos Syndrome" blog. 

Monday, June 4, 2012


ZZZZzzzzzz. Did you hear me snoring Saturday night? I bet you didn’t because I wasn’t! I had a polysomnogram done on Saturday night and all day Sunday I had a test called a “Multiple Sleep Latency Test”. I am happy to report that I did not snore at all during either study,  however, I did talk in my sleep and was very embarrassed about it! Oooops! Leave it to me to talk non-stop, even in my sleep!
I was a bit apprehensive about this study, I thought I would not be able to sleep with all the wires hooked up to me. Well, I was wrong, I slept. I haven’t gotten the report yet but the guy that did my Saturday night sleep study said that I didn’t have any snoring or apnea but I did have a good bit of movement. My super-awesome tech on Sunday would not tell me much of anything but that’s okay, I’ll find out soon enough! I told my husband that I really liked my Tech from Sunday, her name was Stephanie and she is great! She’s the only person I have ever met that would talk to me for 2 hours and then say “Ila, you need to go take a nap for 15 minutes!”
I had a sleep study because I am really tired a lot, especially in the morning. My cousin Melinda said “You are tired because you NEVER stop”. Well, that probably has something to do with it but just imagine how much more I could get accomplished if I woke up bright and refreshed? It would be amazing! I hate it when I feel lethargic, I’m like the Energizer Bunny, I like to keep on going and going and going! Much like every EDSer I know, I do hit that “Brick Wall” occasionally and that really bugs me. I never see it coming and I can just be bouncing through my day and BOOM! It stops me right in my tracks. It may be at 11AM, 3PM, 8PM or anywhere in between but when I hit that wall, I must stop and rest. You know, it’s that feeling where everything sounds like the girl on Snoopy, but in a tunnel, you get a little dizzy, well a lot dizzy and you break into a cold sweat. Thank goodness that doesn’t happen often, I like to be in control, not some freaky, misunderstood reaction in my body. To tell you all the complete truth, since I started going to the gym regularly, it hasn’t happened. Over the past 6 months or so, I have really focused on making my body stronger and it’s been great! My friends, I don’t have a choice and guess what? NEITHER DO YOU! If we don’t beat EDS it WILL beat us. Now I don’t know about you but I’ve got the boxing gloves on and I know who the lightweight champion is in this fight!
If you have any questions about sleep my sleep study, let me know and I’ll answer as best I can! It wasn’t as miserable as I had anticipated but it was long and a bit boring before I made friends with Steph the sleep tech….after that it was a breeze!  Steph and I ordered food yesterday afternoon and sadly enough, I got food poisoning! Yes, today has not been a fun day. I’ve just been pushing fluids like crazy so that I don’t have a potsy day tomorrow. I’m not sure how well that works when your tummy is this icky but we shall see tomorrow~

On another note, I haven’t blogged as much in the past few weeks as I would have liked to but I’ve been pretty busy. So, let me do a quick update. My most recent prolo session was 10 days ago. My Doctor retired from the Army and is working in the “real world” now, so we have to have a “new patient appointment” to decide what our course of action is going to be. Have I told y’all that I love Prolotherapy? Just checking! Even more, I love getting adjusted and I missed that this week too. Let me clarify something here for those of you with EDS. Please do not just let any “Joe Blow “ adjust ANY part of your body. Manipulation is a very “touchy” thing with EDS patients. You don’t want to go to someone that is going to hurt you any worse. DO NOT let anyone adjust your neck!!!! I had my neck adjusted several times by a Doc that I used to work with and heard a horror story (from him) and never let anyone adjust my neck again. My neck is a problem area for me anyway and I have had massive injury there. I hold my cervical vertebrae in high regard and just don’t trust folks to get anywhere near my neck when manipulation is involved. Well okay, I do let my favorite Doc adjust my neck. Make sure if someone adjusts your neck it is a VERY GOOD D.O. not a chiropractor, not an M.D, not your friend Sally, not your husband or wife. THIS IS YOUR NECK WE ARE TALKING ABOUT! Be careful with adjustments anywhere but I’d say your neck should top the careful list!
I’m having a very big debate with myself on whether or not to have genetic testing done for Vascular. If I do have it done I’ll never tell the results. Have any of you struggled with this decision? Are there any of you  that have what they term as “severe type 3” that have been tested? Typically “overly hypermobile” type 3 EDSers don’t have a crossover with type 4. I’d love to hear experiences!  I’ll do a blog about this in the next couple of days. Oooops, I forgot the “are you a liar” blog. I’ll do that one soon as well!
Happy and gentle hugs to you all: my Bendy Friends and those of you that care enough to read about what is going on with someone you care about that has EDS.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Don't walk, don't run....Fly!!!!!

I had Prolo today and it was great, as always. I love that “stiff” feeling I have afterwards! For those of you that read this and don’t have Ehlers Danlos, stiff is a feeling that most EDSers have NO concept of! Today was fairly unusual, the procedure hardly hurt. I’m not sure if Dr. A did a different area or if I am just getting used to being stuck! Either way, it only hurt once…now that one time REALLY hurt, I actually squealed a little “ouch” and I don’t usually do that. It was quick fast and easy!
Today was my last prolo appointment at the Army hospital, from now on I’ll have it done in Dr. Amnott's new office. Dr. Amnott is retiring from the Army next week, he’s dedicated 28 years of his life to Uncle Sam. He’s joining an established practice about 15 minutes away. It sucks a little because I get to change insurance plans and they won’t pay for “everything”  and won’t pay for prolo at all unless we fight for it. 
If you have not given prolo a chance, I highly suggest you do. It hurts a little sometimes, it is expensive and it doesn’t work for everyone. If you are one of the lucky ones it works for, it is a blessing.
Prolotherapy is the miracle that helps my body stay assembled properly. Yes, it sounds intimidating, 50-80 injections where the needle much touch bone and it all happens in about 20-30 minutes. I am one of the lucky EDS'ers, I was never in the danger zone of being incapacitated...I have just always subluxed and dislocated 500 times more than any "normal" human being, it truly interrupts my busy life! Prolotherapy has reduced the painful events by 80%. I've always said "If you can't fly, soar! If you can't soar, glide! If you can't glide, run! If you can't run, skip! If you can't skip, walk! If you can't walk, crawl! WHAT EVER you do, just please do NOT stop!" Ehlers Danlos is tragic for so many people because they let it defeat them! I urge you to do everything it takes to get your body strong, I know it is difficult when you live in pain but once you get there, it's worth the journey! I used to ABHOR going to the gym, I found my groove and now I love it! My time at the gym is one of the most peaceful times of my day. Believe it or not, I get into my little "Zen groove" and go with it...it's not meditation at its best but it works for me! I've been told it is much easier for me to get into shape because I was a competitive gymnast for many years, I partially disagree. Yes, the dexterity of my muscles must play some part of my success. However, I choose to believe my success is from making a conscious decision that this disease will never "break my stride" and because of that, I do everything I can to stay healthy and strong. Yes, I even do prolo and that has boosted my strength to levels that were unimaginable to me just 2 short years ago. I won't stop here, I can not settle, I will continue my journey, I will learn, I will teach, I will accept and I will press on...Will you join me? Let's don't walk or run when we know we can FLY!


Thursday, May 24, 2012


Shortly after my EDS diagnosis I was playing online and came across a blog, the more I read, the harder I cried, the bigger I smiled and I knew I'd found a friend. KATIE. I emailed Katie, we started talking on the phone and via email, we finally met and a life-long friendship was formed. We laugh, we cry, we reminisce, we question, we dream! Katie inspires me tremendously, we both have a common goal....WE WILL NOT LET EDS or anything else STOP US...EVER! 

 Katie as a Zebra

Katie and Dr. Mark LaVallee

Do something wonderful for yourself, visit Katie's blog at www.lifeasazebra.com or

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My First Date

Dating was never really my “thing”, I just wasn’t good at it. Usually the guys annoyed me to no end, they were just far too “gaa gaa” and always sent me running away screaming like there was a swarm of bees chasing me. I’ve been married for 9 years now to my wonderful husband. Yet, I went on a “first date” yesterday and disliked the thought of it, just like always! I was nervous and a little jittery, hoping for a good match, someone I could tolerate, at the very least.  Sound familiar? I knew it would.  Welcome to the frustrating and sometimes catastrophic world of doctor dating. We all vividly remember and tell stories of our  first dates…the anticipation, the nerves the hope that “he” would be the one you’ve been looking for.  When that dreaded day finally arrives you check your reflection in the mirror and take a deep breath, hoping this time you got it right.  Would he be supportive, caring and honest?  The questions swirl in your head like a Chicago snowstorm and your stomach has that sick, nervous feeling.  I am happy to report that my first date with this new specialist went well yesterday, he was annoyingly late, incredibly nice, thorough and understanding.  I think he liked me too, he even stopped me on the way out the door and told me that I have incredible energy and that I’d made his day.
So then what happens, when like me, you have found the Doc of your dreams and he looks at you one day and says “I have to send you to a specialist for this”. You know that feeling, your heart plummets into your stomach, you get that nauseous feeling, tears sting your eyes and you just want to yell “NO, I don’t need a specialist, I don’t want to go to another Doctor!” All because you know that once again, you get to explain ALL your WEIRD issues to yet ANOTHER person and you’re almost guaranteed that you’re going to get at least one very strange look, probably many.
Searching for the perfect doctor is frustrating, whether they are your primary doc or a specialist, and much like the Easter Bunny…he just doesn’t exist.  If your doctor doesn’t meet your needs or act like “he” even cares, if you don’t trust them immensely and if “she” angers you on a regular basis; I highly suggest jumping back into the doctor dating world.  It does take time to build a strong Doc/patient relationship but I can always tell on that very first “date” if this doctor is going to be the one. I don’t always listen to that “gut feeling” and that fault of mine has left me intensely frustrated several times.
I am probably different than most patients with a chronic illness. I say that because I don’t want sympathy, I don’t want anything sugar-coated, I try my best not to whine and I don’t like drugs. On top of that, I am mesmerized by the human body and have a hunger for knowledge. I have worked in healthcare and I read everything I can get my hands on…not just info pertaining to my disease. I don’t think I am a know-it-all, I like for my Doctor to be the Doc, they are far more educated than I but I do want to be a “partner” in my healthcare. I like Doctors that tell me “I don’t know” when they don’t have a clue and I like Doctors that really listen to me and make me laugh.  Geee whiz. I am surprised I have EVER found a Doctor that I like, believe me, there have been plenty that I have gone head-to-head with! Oh, I like that too, a Doctor I can argue with and still smile as I walk out the door.
I have been incredibly blessed with two of the best Doctors to walk the Earth…EVER. They are as different as pound cakes and pecan pies, but they are both amazing. One is very outwardly compassionate, just too sweet, he is by far the most soft-spoken and loving Doctor I have ever gone to or worked with in my life. He has Ehlers Danlos as well, yes, I am talking about Mark Lavallee. Dr. Lavallee inspires me to  live with this disease and not fight it. I haven’t quite figured out how he does it, but he ignites fires from the embers of hope that glow deep in my soul. When I have a bad day, I think about Mark and what he lives with daily and I know if he can do it, I can too. I am not his only patient that feels this way, I know dozens of others, we all love him dearly. My other Doctor is equally, if not more awesome, but in a totally different way. Y’all won’t know his name as well (doesn’t every EDSer hear the name Lavallee and their ears perk up?) he is amazing! My Doctor here in New York is named Doctor Craig Amnott. I knew the day I met him that “the search was over”.  Dr. Amnott is not soft spoken, if he’s upset, you know it and he is very compassionate but not very verbal about it. He doesn’t like it when folks whine a lot and he tells it like it is. In a situation when Dr. Lavallee would cry with you, Doctor Amnott would tell you to “dry it up and drive on”. It’s not that he doesn’t care, he’s just very realistic and rational. Whatever he’s saying, there’s no beating around the bush. I asked him one day if something was going to hurt and he said “no worries Ila, I won’t feel a thing!!!” He’s incredibly smart, very proactive and he truly cares about his patients, especially those that want to help themselves. Dr. Lavallee begged me to stop smoking and I tried, I really did and even cried when I didn’t because Dr. Lavallee wanted me to and I didn’t want to disappoint him. Dr. Amnott got onto me about it several times and you better believe I just QUIT. I’m a kick in the butt kind of girl! Dr. Amnott has helped me so much physically and we all know that carries over and helps mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc… I want to be just like him when I grow up.
So, back to my date yesterday… As I was sitting in the waiting room for almost 3 hours and then another hour in the back, I was contemplating the rules of Doctor Dating. Let me share them with you!
Move Slowly
 Don’t just blab your entire medical history the minute he walks through the door. Establish a strong relationship before you decide that he’s the one.  First appointments are like first dates in that both of you will most likely put your best foot forward.  After a few dates, you’ll have spent enough time together to know whether to stick around.

He gives you the best he’s got…
 All doctors are busy, but once you’re in the office, good doctors will take their time. Making time for you means that he doesn’t leave you sitting in the waiting room while he eats doughnuts and spends ½ hour on Facebook. It means that your doctor will give you his undivided attention and really listen. In this relationship, you are in the driver’s seat.  You are the one who knows how you feel and just like in a real dating relationship, he’s not a mind reader.  Dr. Right will support and  empower you, not act like you are holding up his latest game of Words with Friends.

Many people choose to Google their Doctor, I don’t, it makes me feel like I am violating them! Once I have met a Doctor, I will go to some of the Doctor rating sights and write a review about them and I try to be very objective. If I like and trust my Doc, I really don’t give a flying fruit loop what some stranger says about them online. If I have concerns, I’ll ask them about it.

He Has The Affection Connection
Being blessed with a chronic illness can be stressful! We are very unpredictable and the sudden appearance of pain and swelling is common.  Dr. Right won’t get spooked by the fact that you are a conundrum.  Just like being in a relationship with the one that always makes you feel safe and secure, Dr. Right will make you feel comfortable enough to talk about the pain that’s everywhere, your fears and your anger at this crazy disease!

Don’t forget his family!
 When you know it’s time to toss “The Idiot’s Guide to Dating”  because you have most definitely found Dr. Right, keep this in mind: you’re connecting with the whole family, which for a doctor means the office staff. I like to call them the gatekeepers and trust me, if you piss off the gatekeepers you will become an outcast of the family. Be nice to them, they have stressful jobs and they usually do the best they can. I know great Docs that have lost patients because of their staff. If someone is truly rude regularly, talk with your Doc about it, maybe he can guide them in the right direction.

He is NOT God…
I know, when we find Dr. Right we put all faith in him as a Doctor. Please be rational about this and don’t ruin a perfectly good relationship because you are being silly and putting Dr. Right on a pedestal. Doctors PRACTICE medicine! Do you read me clearly? DOCTORS PRACTICE MEDICINE!!!!! Even Dr. Right is not infallible, he is going to make mistakes and that is not only okay, it should be expected. Doctors are also NOT omnipotent, they don’t know everything, especially what you are thinking or hiding. Please be completely open and honest with your physician, especially once you have found Dr. Right. If you don’t share what is going on with you, how can they really help?
-on another note! DO NOT LIE TO YOUR DOCTOR, they are NOT stupid people! A friend of mine asked me this week; “you know Dr. so and so well, do you think he stalks me on Facebook?” When I asked her WHY she would ever think that she said “because he always calls me out when I lie to him, I just don’t know how he does it!” Okay folks, I haven’t been to medical school lately but I am pretty sure they have some type of instruction in body language. Do you realize that when you communicate, less than 30% of the message you are conveying is done verbally? HELLO! If you don’t understand what I am saying, let me put it bluntly, don’t lie to your Doctor, it makes you look very stupid because your Doctors know when you are being dishonest. Don’t think you can get away with it, you can’t control your body enough to fool them. So, don’t lie to anyone, ever but especially the person you have entrusted with your health.

Doctors Don’t Bite….not hard anyway…
Your Doctor does not care if you forgot to brush your teeth, put on pretty underwear,  or forgot to shave your legs. Don’t apologize to your doctor about stupid things, you are wasting your breath and her precious time. Your stinky breath and prickly legs are the least of their concern and they’ve probably experienced far worse. Be confident when you are with the doctor and if you aren’t feeling confident, fake it. I can guarantee that if you exude confidence and self-assuredness, all of your dates will go much better, for you and the Doc.

There are probably other random rules that I am forgetting, we can talk about those later. Just have a cup of common sense, 2 tablespoons of patience, 2 cups of sincerity, 4.5 cups of respect, 1 pound of determination. Combine well, and watch closely….your courtship will be happy and long-lasting!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Prolo part 3 and this weeks update

I didn’t blog for a week, I thought about it but I’ve been super busy. I had a couple of rough days this week that were NO fun at all. It always amazes me how my back can hurt so bad for a couple of days and then I wake up one day and can’t even feel my back. I won’t complain! I did wind up going to the Doctor for my back on Wednesday, I just couldn’t take it anymore. He adjusted my back, did acupuncture and sent me home to take Advil. It slowly got a bit better and by Thursday morning, my back felt wonderful! 
PROLOTHERAPY!!!!!! Wooo Hooo! I had round 3 yesterday with no hand to hold and get this, NO Valium! I held my hair. It wasn’t peachy but it wasn’t bad at all. Dr. Amnott focused on a different area yesterday, my thoracic spine, he did a few injections in my lumbar spine as well. I would love to give you a number on the pain scale but that just doesn’t work for me! It didn’t last long enough to make a judgement and it’s hard to “scale” and acute discomfort like that when pain is usually chronic. Agree? It’s almost just an annoying discomfort, albeit a prickly one! When I hopped onto the table yesterday, I looked at my Doc and said “I’m shaking”, he smiled and said “It’s okay Ila, I’m not!” Priceless!
Okay, so is it time to be honest here? I don’t want to scare anyone! Once the Lidocaine wore off yesterday I hurt quite a bit. I kept telling myself it’s a good pain, it’s a good pain, it’s a good pain! I’m not yet convinced! Now, let me say this, it’s not as bad as the EDS pain we have, at the very least, I know this will go away and really is a “good pain” for my body. EDS pain is a very “deep” pain. Come on y’all Bendy Friends, you know exactly what I am talking about! This is not a deep pain, actually, if I am still, I hardly feel anything. So far, this morning, I hurt a bit when I move. When I first lean my back on anything, it is very uncomfortable, I may be a little bruised as well. I can attest to this, it’s nothing like the “EDS” pain I had earlier this week in my lower back, nowhere near the nauseating, relentless pain we sometimes get. 
So, what should you make of all this? Usually I’m bouncing off the walls again by day 1 post prolo. Each area of our body is very different and will react to treatments in various ways. I can handle a couple of days with this type of ache, no problem, YOU can too! Let’s also recall the very essence of prolotherapy! When the proliferant solution (Dextrose in my case) is injected into the ligament, it fools the body into thinking that a horrific injury has taken place. This causes the resident cells to send out a SOS to the fantastic FIBROBLASTS locally and throughout the body. The fibroblasts throw on their collagen capes and zoom to the injury. Once they arrive, they waste no time in beginning their job, they have new collagen to make and they work tirelessly for weeks. They aren’t making scar tissue dear readers, they are making NEW COLLAGEN!!!!! Granted, those new collagen fibrils are probably defective, just like their ancestors but that’s okay....They are still 40% better and stronger, at the very least! NO WONDER I’m sore this morning! I got stuck 4289 times yesterday and that’s the least of it! My fibroblasts are in a frenzy, fixing my funky flimsiness! That’s a pain I am happy to deal with! How about you? 
Very Gentle Hugs, 

Friday, April 27, 2012


So my friends, we’ll call today “FLIMSY FRIDAY” because that’s the kind of day I have had! What in the world causes these pitiful proprioception days???? I fell two times within 5 minutes of getting out of bed this morning! The first time I stumbled over a speck of dust on the floor and the second time was far more tragic; I tripped over my big toe. No worries my toe is fine, my knee is a bit achy! So! If this were not enough flailing and falling for the day, I fell a third time and this time I did a great job on my ankle. Yippeeee! Three Cheers for Ila!  The third time was the worst, I was turning in “lesson plans”  at the Mormon church. (Disclaimer- I am not Mormon, just a bit nerdy! I love Genealogy and Genetics so I am teaching a “genetic genealogy class series to some LDS folks).  WELL, so the last fall was a charm because OTHER people were around, it wasn’t just my family. I wanted to cry but I don’t like crying in front of people so I loopedly-loppedly limped away. I drove a little bit and stopped at this little pond (maybe it’s a lake, who knows) and I sat there for an hour or so, I cried a few little tears (that hurt) but mostly just relaxed! Surprise, surprise, I fell asleep too. 
Speaking of relaxing! How often do you relax? Do you ever find yourself just going and going like the energizer bunny because you are afraid you’ll “Crash” if you stop? I’ll admit it; I do and I hope I’m always that way, it keeps me busy! I do enjoy the calm and quiet of nature. Everywhere we have lived in the past few years, I have had my “calm” place, I don’t pick it, it picks me. In Belgium it was a little garden about a block from our home, I loved it! In Indiana it was actually a cross in the middle of the ND campus but it was pretty secluded given that it was at Notre Dame. My “relax” places seem to scream at me: “ILA, be still and enjoy” and I do, every time I am in one of my happy places. Ahhhhh. I wish I could bottle the feeling I encounter when I step into one  of my happy places. This little pond smells amazingly sweet and it’s not just in the spring, it was that way last summer, fall and even during the winter. I think I just love the country. 
If you don’t have a happy place to relax, please find one. Mine are always outdoors! Fresh air is healthy for everyone, sunshine makes my heart smile and it’s always great just to have some time with myself and with God’s wonderful masterpieces. I can’t say that my happy places always reenergize my body but I  can guarantee they always reenergize and stimulate my soul. I believe that 100% of the time, how we feel in our hearts and minds is even more important than how we feel physically. Ponder this for a moment; if your body feels like a million bucks but your sad or mentally drained, that has a drastic effect on your physical being and guess what? I bet you a dollar that you won’t feel like a million bucks anymore! Most things in my life I have no control over whatsoever but the one thing I can control is my attitude/perspective. 
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Take some time to “get away” to your special and happy place. If you can’t get there physically, close your eyes and imagine yourself there- Wherever you find yourself, just relax, enjoy the moment, give thanks for another wonderful day and get ready; there’s more just ahead! 
Peace and Hugs,

Limpy Lou!   P.S. This photo is on the opposite side of the road from one of my happy place where I fell asleep today!  :o)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Truths and Ramblings

I could not have said this better myself! I love this little prayer, it made me smile when  a friend sent it to me this morning. 

I've had a tough week so far, this blog is about me being "real" right? So, I'm not even going to pretend it's been "great" or even "good". It hasn't been "bad" per se,  just tough. I've been in a good bit of pain this week, amazingly, it hasn't been my "lower body", it's been my upper body and it has not made for a fun week. I rested yesterday, and when I say I rested, I mean I rested! I got up at 6:00, turned a movie on for Jackson at 8:30 and cuddled up with him; he watched the movie and I slept until 10:30. We had a snack, cuddled back up and started another movie. You know what I did? Sure thing! I slept and he watched the movie.  After that, I took him to school and came back home, hit the couch again and slept until Cole got home at 3:30. The boys and I were all asleep by 9! Now keep in mind, all of this sleeping was after I took my Adderall and Provigil for the day. Wow! I was tired! 

Sometimes I am glad that I have a job where I work mostly from home. Actually I am either working from home or traveling. I do have an occasional meeting at USMA but usually no more than once a month. Do you sometimes feel like the more you "go" the better you feel? My last day of this job is April 30 and I am happy and sad about that. If I get another job in the near future, it will NOT be working from home. I need the "get up and go" factor. I am about to start school again (Go Ila!), so I may not have a job for a while, but who knows. I'm not the brilliant student like my husband, he reads it once and it is forever ingrained! I have to read it, write it, read it again, draw it and tell someone about it....then it is ingrained. I'll just blame that on EDS as well! 

I've been up since 5 this morning, caught up on the work I didn't get done yesterday. Didn't have much, just sent out a few follow-up emails. It's nice to be winding down instead of "drumming up"!  So, Jackson and I are going to see an EDS friend of mine that lives about 20 minutes away. We don't get to see Gary and his family often enough but this is the second time this week. Wow! Maybe we'll go fishing or something. Golf? Roller skating? Hiking? I bet we'll wind up having coffee at Barnes and Noble! Either way, it'll be fun like always and I will laugh. 

It's finally less than a week until my honey comes home! He only has ONE trip left during this travel season, I am so excited! When Andy goes away, I am reminded of how much he adds to my life. Goodness gracious, I LOVE that man. I know sometimes he doesn't completely "get it" but he tries! Every time (almost daily) I drive past this mountain here called "Storm King" I smile from ear to ear. Andy loves to hike and he loves long hikes. Well, one Sunday he said "let's go for a nice, relaxing hike" and I said "let's do it". We went to "Storm King" and we were hiking in the little easy areas and he said "let's go up" and I said "YOU JUST DON'T GET IT SOMETIMES!". Okay, we hiked up and we hiked and hiked. It wasn't all that bad, I can't lie, it kinda sucked a few times! It wasn't as bad as hiking up Mt Ranier a few years ago but it wasn't 100% pleasant either. I like nice trails, planned ones, good ones, sturdy ones; this one was not...Sometimes there was no trail! It was magnificent when we got to the top, so worth the twisted ankle and skinned knee! On the way down this strange man said "You are extremely hypermobile; why don't you have joint support on for this?" I introduced myself and asked what he knew about hypermobility, turns out it wasn't much! He was a Cardiologist from NYC and we had fun talking about hearts and POTS for the next hour. He offered me a job in his office but that's just too far of a drive! Anyway, after that hike I hurt for days! By the time we were done I had 2 twisted ankles, 2 skinned knees, 2 new friends (George and his wife) and most of all, some wonderful memories made with my family! So, I am happy that sometimes Andy "doesn't get it" and doesn't let me cop out! He pushes me, expects a lot of me and won't let me give up! I love that man and I am so blessed to have him in my life. 

I'm done venting for the day! 

Today I want you to count your blessings. Think about the people God has put in your life that have blessed you tremendously. I'll blog about mine later! 

Big Hugs!

~T. - I've got you on my mind buddy! I am praying for you and I'm brainstorming! We ARE going to get you some help! Don't doubt that! I won't let you down! I promise! We'll have a fundraiser if we have to. As for now, I'm sending loving thoughts, and healing prayers!  :O)