In December of 2010 I was diagnosed with Lupus/Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder. In March of 2011, I was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, type 3. The MCTD/Lupus Dx was incorrect, they should call EDS "ACTD", (All Connective Tissue Disorder)!
Since my Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis, I have read a few wonderful blogs that have inspired me and touched my heart. One blog brought me to my knees; I cried, my heart broke, I laughed, I smiled and I identified with this Katie's story. Reading her journey made me realize that I wanted to share my own.
Details are not something I spare and I have never been a girl of few words. I hope I inspire you, educate you, motivate you and touch your heart. I hope by writing this, I learn, understand and accept my new journey...Is there a destination?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Prolo part 3 and this weeks update

I didn’t blog for a week, I thought about it but I’ve been super busy. I had a couple of rough days this week that were NO fun at all. It always amazes me how my back can hurt so bad for a couple of days and then I wake up one day and can’t even feel my back. I won’t complain! I did wind up going to the Doctor for my back on Wednesday, I just couldn’t take it anymore. He adjusted my back, did acupuncture and sent me home to take Advil. It slowly got a bit better and by Thursday morning, my back felt wonderful! 
PROLOTHERAPY!!!!!! Wooo Hooo! I had round 3 yesterday with no hand to hold and get this, NO Valium! I held my hair. It wasn’t peachy but it wasn’t bad at all. Dr. Amnott focused on a different area yesterday, my thoracic spine, he did a few injections in my lumbar spine as well. I would love to give you a number on the pain scale but that just doesn’t work for me! It didn’t last long enough to make a judgement and it’s hard to “scale” and acute discomfort like that when pain is usually chronic. Agree? It’s almost just an annoying discomfort, albeit a prickly one! When I hopped onto the table yesterday, I looked at my Doc and said “I’m shaking”, he smiled and said “It’s okay Ila, I’m not!” Priceless!
Okay, so is it time to be honest here? I don’t want to scare anyone! Once the Lidocaine wore off yesterday I hurt quite a bit. I kept telling myself it’s a good pain, it’s a good pain, it’s a good pain! I’m not yet convinced! Now, let me say this, it’s not as bad as the EDS pain we have, at the very least, I know this will go away and really is a “good pain” for my body. EDS pain is a very “deep” pain. Come on y’all Bendy Friends, you know exactly what I am talking about! This is not a deep pain, actually, if I am still, I hardly feel anything. So far, this morning, I hurt a bit when I move. When I first lean my back on anything, it is very uncomfortable, I may be a little bruised as well. I can attest to this, it’s nothing like the “EDS” pain I had earlier this week in my lower back, nowhere near the nauseating, relentless pain we sometimes get. 
So, what should you make of all this? Usually I’m bouncing off the walls again by day 1 post prolo. Each area of our body is very different and will react to treatments in various ways. I can handle a couple of days with this type of ache, no problem, YOU can too! Let’s also recall the very essence of prolotherapy! When the proliferant solution (Dextrose in my case) is injected into the ligament, it fools the body into thinking that a horrific injury has taken place. This causes the resident cells to send out a SOS to the fantastic FIBROBLASTS locally and throughout the body. The fibroblasts throw on their collagen capes and zoom to the injury. Once they arrive, they waste no time in beginning their job, they have new collagen to make and they work tirelessly for weeks. They aren’t making scar tissue dear readers, they are making NEW COLLAGEN!!!!! Granted, those new collagen fibrils are probably defective, just like their ancestors but that’s okay....They are still 40% better and stronger, at the very least! NO WONDER I’m sore this morning! I got stuck 4289 times yesterday and that’s the least of it! My fibroblasts are in a frenzy, fixing my funky flimsiness! That’s a pain I am happy to deal with! How about you? 
Very Gentle Hugs, 

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