In December of 2010 I was diagnosed with Lupus/Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder. In March of 2011, I was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, type 3. The MCTD/Lupus Dx was incorrect, they should call EDS "ACTD", (All Connective Tissue Disorder)!
Since my Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis, I have read a few wonderful blogs that have inspired me and touched my heart. One blog brought me to my knees; I cried, my heart broke, I laughed, I smiled and I identified with this Katie's story. Reading her journey made me realize that I wanted to share my own.
Details are not something I spare and I have never been a girl of few words. I hope I inspire you, educate you, motivate you and touch your heart. I hope by writing this, I learn, understand and accept my new journey...Is there a destination?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Truths and Ramblings

I could not have said this better myself! I love this little prayer, it made me smile when  a friend sent it to me this morning. 

I've had a tough week so far, this blog is about me being "real" right? So, I'm not even going to pretend it's been "great" or even "good". It hasn't been "bad" per se,  just tough. I've been in a good bit of pain this week, amazingly, it hasn't been my "lower body", it's been my upper body and it has not made for a fun week. I rested yesterday, and when I say I rested, I mean I rested! I got up at 6:00, turned a movie on for Jackson at 8:30 and cuddled up with him; he watched the movie and I slept until 10:30. We had a snack, cuddled back up and started another movie. You know what I did? Sure thing! I slept and he watched the movie.  After that, I took him to school and came back home, hit the couch again and slept until Cole got home at 3:30. The boys and I were all asleep by 9! Now keep in mind, all of this sleeping was after I took my Adderall and Provigil for the day. Wow! I was tired! 

Sometimes I am glad that I have a job where I work mostly from home. Actually I am either working from home or traveling. I do have an occasional meeting at USMA but usually no more than once a month. Do you sometimes feel like the more you "go" the better you feel? My last day of this job is April 30 and I am happy and sad about that. If I get another job in the near future, it will NOT be working from home. I need the "get up and go" factor. I am about to start school again (Go Ila!), so I may not have a job for a while, but who knows. I'm not the brilliant student like my husband, he reads it once and it is forever ingrained! I have to read it, write it, read it again, draw it and tell someone about it....then it is ingrained. I'll just blame that on EDS as well! 

I've been up since 5 this morning, caught up on the work I didn't get done yesterday. Didn't have much, just sent out a few follow-up emails. It's nice to be winding down instead of "drumming up"!  So, Jackson and I are going to see an EDS friend of mine that lives about 20 minutes away. We don't get to see Gary and his family often enough but this is the second time this week. Wow! Maybe we'll go fishing or something. Golf? Roller skating? Hiking? I bet we'll wind up having coffee at Barnes and Noble! Either way, it'll be fun like always and I will laugh. 

It's finally less than a week until my honey comes home! He only has ONE trip left during this travel season, I am so excited! When Andy goes away, I am reminded of how much he adds to my life. Goodness gracious, I LOVE that man. I know sometimes he doesn't completely "get it" but he tries! Every time (almost daily) I drive past this mountain here called "Storm King" I smile from ear to ear. Andy loves to hike and he loves long hikes. Well, one Sunday he said "let's go for a nice, relaxing hike" and I said "let's do it". We went to "Storm King" and we were hiking in the little easy areas and he said "let's go up" and I said "YOU JUST DON'T GET IT SOMETIMES!". Okay, we hiked up and we hiked and hiked. It wasn't all that bad, I can't lie, it kinda sucked a few times! It wasn't as bad as hiking up Mt Ranier a few years ago but it wasn't 100% pleasant either. I like nice trails, planned ones, good ones, sturdy ones; this one was not...Sometimes there was no trail! It was magnificent when we got to the top, so worth the twisted ankle and skinned knee! On the way down this strange man said "You are extremely hypermobile; why don't you have joint support on for this?" I introduced myself and asked what he knew about hypermobility, turns out it wasn't much! He was a Cardiologist from NYC and we had fun talking about hearts and POTS for the next hour. He offered me a job in his office but that's just too far of a drive! Anyway, after that hike I hurt for days! By the time we were done I had 2 twisted ankles, 2 skinned knees, 2 new friends (George and his wife) and most of all, some wonderful memories made with my family! So, I am happy that sometimes Andy "doesn't get it" and doesn't let me cop out! He pushes me, expects a lot of me and won't let me give up! I love that man and I am so blessed to have him in my life. 

I'm done venting for the day! 

Today I want you to count your blessings. Think about the people God has put in your life that have blessed you tremendously. I'll blog about mine later! 

Big Hugs!

~T. - I've got you on my mind buddy! I am praying for you and I'm brainstorming! We ARE going to get you some help! Don't doubt that! I won't let you down! I promise! We'll have a fundraiser if we have to. As for now, I'm sending loving thoughts, and healing prayers!  :O)  

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