In December of 2010 I was diagnosed with Lupus/Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder. In March of 2011, I was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, type 3. The MCTD/Lupus Dx was incorrect, they should call EDS "ACTD", (All Connective Tissue Disorder)!
Since my Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis, I have read a few wonderful blogs that have inspired me and touched my heart. One blog brought me to my knees; I cried, my heart broke, I laughed, I smiled and I identified with this Katie's story. Reading her journey made me realize that I wanted to share my own.
Details are not something I spare and I have never been a girl of few words. I hope I inspire you, educate you, motivate you and touch your heart. I hope by writing this, I learn, understand and accept my new journey...Is there a destination?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Photo update

If I didn't have Ehlers Danlos....Laffy Taffy would  mean nothing to me. 
That's my friend Gary ^^^^^ He was so kind to buy me some Laffy Taffy! ANDY even laughed at the Laffy Taffy! 

Katie! Katie! Katie! YOU are my HERO and I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Ha ha ha!

KEEP READING FOR THE "IF I DIDN'T HAVE Ehlers Danlos Syndrome" blog. 

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